An Essential Packing List for Autumn in London


Autumn in London is an enchanting time of the year. The city comes alive with the crunch of fallen leaves on its streets and parks and as the crispy breeze touches you while you are exploring the outdoors. If visiting London in autumn and soaking in the magic of the city during this time, has always been on your wish list, then book your stay with the Park Avenue Inn Craven Hotel, nestled in the heart of the city. This way, you’ll never be too far from all the amazing adventures in the city and can loosen yourself in superiorly comfortable rooms with plush amenities for a memorable experience.

A Good Quality Coat

A good quality, warm coat is essential for autumn in London. Look for a coat that is warm enough to keep you comfortable on a chilly day, but not so padded that you’ll overheat. It’s also important to choose a coat that is both windbreaker and waterproof because the weather in London is quite unpredictable. If you’re visiting London early in the autumn, consider bringing a light and colourful rain jacket. This will be perfect for when the weather is mild, and you want to stay dry while adding a hint of colour to outfits.

Ankle Boots

It’s important to pack weatherproof shoes that can handle the rain. Ankle boots are great to travel around and explore autumn in London, as they can be dressed up or down and can keep your feet warm and dry. If you’re not used to walking in heels, opt for flats or low-block heels. With the right shoes, you’ll be comfortable throughout the day, without having to worry about your feet getting wet or cold.

Layering with Sweaters

Layering is key if you’re travelling to London during autumn. One day it may be sunny and warm here, and the next it may be drizzling with cooler temperatures. That’s why you must pack layers of clothing, so you can adjust to the changing weather. Cosy sweaters and knitwear are a must-have for any trip to London. They should be lightweight, enough to layer over t-shirts, but warm enough to keep you comfortable on a chilly day. Cardigans are also another great option for this time of year.

A Compact Umbrella

Don’t forget to pack a compact umbrella that is small enough to fit in your carry-around bag, but sturdy enough to withstand the wind and rain. It’s also important to choose an umbrella with a vented canopy, which will help to prevent it from flipping inside out.

A Lightweight Backpack

A lightweight and durable backpack is a must-have as it is perfect for securely carrying all your essentials, such as your phone, wallet, camera, and water bottle. And if you’re planning a full day dedicated to sightseeing around your London accommodation, you’ll be glad to have a backpack to carry your jacket, sweater, and other belongings as well.


A hat will not just help keep you warm during autumn in London but will also be a stylish addition to your outfits. There are many different styles of hats to choose from, including beanies, knit hats, and slouchy hats. So, start your day with a hearty breakfast near Paddington, take your pick of the hat that goes best with your outfit and get exploring!

With this guide to help you pack efficiently for autumn in London, you’ll be prepared for any type of weather, and look your best while soaking in the vibrant vibes of the city and its scenic autumnal views.